Though Singapore is home to only two casinos, it comes in second worldwide for gambling. And among the many gamblers...
Entertainment CEO Opens Up About Parents’ Addictions
In an effort to break down stigmas and encourage reconciliation and recovery, comedian Irene Ang speaks out about...
Singaporean Teens are Bigger Gaming Addicts than Their U.S. Peers
Teenagers all over the world are becoming addicted to gaming, and Singapore’s teens are not exempt from this worldwide...
Can Singapore Clubs Help to Curtail Gambling Addiction?
It’s no secret that Singaporeans love to gamble, but at what cost? We take a look at what the clubs are doing to curb...
Online Betting in Singapore: What it Means for Gambling Addiction
The legalisation of online gambling in Singapore late last year opened a brand new chapter in the city-state’s...
How Gambling Turns into Addiction for Many Singaporeans
For many Singaporeans, there is a fine line between gambling as a hobby versus gambling because you are addicted. Here...
Increase in Gambling Addiction in Singapore Affecting Families
Gambling addiction is on the rise in Singapore, and it is negatively affecting families across the country. According...
Casinos Knowingly Breed Gambling Addiction to Make a Profit
Do they not say that the house always wins? So why do casinos breed gambling addiction? And why do we not stop these...