If you have a loved one in Singapore struggling with drug addiction, staging an intervention may be challenging. This blog covers everything you need to know.
What are the Consequences of Drug Abuse in Singapore?
The consequences of drug abuse are particularly serious in Singapore. In this blog from The Cabin we explore the dangers of using drugs within the country, and let you know how you can avoid the consequences from drug abuse.
What are the Symptoms of Drug Abuse?
Have you noticed signs of drug abuse in a loved one? In this blog from The Cabin, we explore the common signs and symptoms of drug abuse to help you understand if your loved one is struggling with drugs.
The Worst Long-Term Effects of Drug Abuse
Drug abuse can cause both short-term and long-term harm, including permanent physical and mental health problems. In this blog, we explore the most harmful effects of drug abuse.
Despite Tough Penalties, Drug Abuse in Singapore Is Still On The Increase
Despite strict drug laws and strong deterrent efforts from the authorities, drug abuse in Singapore continues to be a...
Discover which members of the Singaporean population are most likely to abuse drugs
In Singapore, the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) remains committed and steadfast in the fight against drugs. When it...
Singaporeans Are Warned Against Cannabis Use Overseas Despite Legalisation
In October 2018, Canada became the second country in the world to legalise cannabis medicinally and recreationally....
Seven Meth Addiction Signs You May Not Know
With methamphetamine use on the rise in Singapore, it's more important than ever to know how to recognise the signs of...
Will Heroin Make a Comeback in Singapore?
Singapore arguably has the some of the toughest drug laws on the planet. Penalties for possession and trafficking can...
Entertainment CEO Opens Up About Parents’ Addictions
In an effort to break down stigmas and encourage reconciliation and recovery, comedian Irene Ang speaks out about...